Foundation Support Sends Animal Responders Where Needed

The DRI Foundation is pleased to support the NJ-based Tri-State Canine Response Team, which provides a wide range of animal services and training to areas in need. Founded in 2015, this all-volunteer nonprofit was formed to help first responders in…

Women’s Charity Sends Heartfelt Update on its Progress

The DRI Foundation recently made a donation to the People’s Mercy Foundation, a Uganda-based NGO committed to helping its community. Recently the head of the organization reached out with an important update. “So glad to inform you that 50 vulnerable…

Foundation Giving for Family Needs, From Food to Diapers, in the Greater Los Angeles Area

The DRI Foundation is proud provide a $1,000 donation to the Open Arms Food Pantry and Resource Center in its mission to assist families in need throughout the Los Angeles County area.  Open Arms serves some 20,000 Southern California residents…