Join Us for Volunteer Day at DRI2025 in Las Vegas
The DRI Foundation invites DRI Certified Professionals to participate in Volunteer Day 2025, on Saturday, February 1, 2025, in conjunction with the annual DRI Conference, February 2-5, 2025.
This is your DRI Foundation at work — creating meaningful connections in our communities and engaging members of the resilience field in its mission with special volunteer opportunities in our conference host city of Las Vegas, NV.
The DRI Foundation will give back to Las Vegas by partnering with local charitable organizations. The DRI Foundation plans to offer two half-day sessions.
Option 1: The WASH Foundation
Saturday, February 1, 2025
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Mission: A strategic partner of Clean the World, the WASH Foundation is working toward universal access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), and focusing on outcome-based programs to improve the quality of life for vulnerable populations around the world.
Volunteers will be sorting through incoming products from hospitality partners and preparing it to be processed. Our team will be boxing soap for distribution. Those participating should expect to get “soapy” while participating.
Option 2: Get Outdoors Nevada
Saturday, February 1, 2025
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Mission: To connect people from all backgrounds and ages to the state’s diverse outdoor places through a three-fold approach of education, service, and community engagement. The organization is committed to preserving Nevada’s public lands, urban trails, and community parks. Their efforts and programs focus on the needs and lives of families and school children, especially those who are at-risk and often have limited opportunity to experience the great outdoors.
Volunteers will take part in a private clean-up event. Duties will include using trash grabbers to pick up unmanaged litter on public trails and in public parks, removing graffiti, and maintaining park benches and play areas. Volunteers can expect to walk one mile or more during the event.
You can register for Volunteer Day 2025 through conference registration. If you have additional questions about Volunteer Day, please reach out to our customer service team, 1-866-542-3744.
To learn more about what to expect when volunteering with the DRI Foundation, visit our Volunteerism page.
Continuing Education Activity Points
DRI has defined the number of CEAPs (Continuing Education Activity Points) that can be earned by attending DRI’s annual conference. Not only will you receive points for attending our conference and sessions, but DRI also would like to encourage and recognize the volunteer work that you do! DRI Certified Professionals will earn 1 CEAP for each hour you volunteer.
Volunteering with us? Tweet about it!
Follow us @dri_intl, then tweet about volunteering with the hashtags #DRI2025 and #drifoundation. Here is a suggested tweet – just copy and paste:
I am volunteering with the #drifoundation to help build resilient communities in #LasVegas. You can too!
We look forward to seeing you at DRI2025.