Ways to Give

Our fundraising is successful thanks to the support and generosity of our friends and business partners. The DRI Foundation accepts donations throughout the year to aid charities and disaster relief efforts. From donating gift card balances to bidding for items on our online auction, there are many ways to contribute to the DRI Foundation’s mission.

Make a monetary donation


You can give via check or online. 100 % of your donations go to initiatives, not operating costs.  Learn more about our outreach initiatives here and in our Annual Review.

Employer matching gifts

See if your employer will match your donation. Learn more about corporate monetary matching and volunteer grants.


Make your shopping count

Bid on family-friendly auction items online via BiddingForGood while supporting our mission. Your giving back helps others to keep moving forward. So, tell your friends, family, and community. Let the bidding begin!


Donate gift cards

Purchase charity gift cards or make a donation of the remaining balance on your retail gift cards, credit card points, and employee incentive programs through Charity Choice.



Tweet about it!

Our efforts are possible thanks to the generous support of donors like you! You can help spread the word. Here are some suggested tweets to show your support for the DRI Foundation’s mission. Just copy and paste! Follow us on Twitter @dri_intl using #drifoundation.


Donor Recognition

Our work would not be possible without the contributions of our generous supporters.
For a list of donors please see Our Supporters.