WBCM Scholarship Spotlight: Helen Miller, CBCP

Helen Miller is a physician leader and consultant, a recipient of the DRI Foundation’s Women in BCM Scholarship, and as a result, a certified CBCP with DRI International.  

What’s your professional background? How did you get here?

I am a physician with experience in both community and hospital-based practice, former Emergency Department director, and Federal disaster medical assistance team commander. I am passionate about disaster and public health emergency readiness, patient movement, emergency communications, resilience and continuity planning.

What does DRI certification mean to your life?

I hope to expand my consulting efforts to include business continuity and DRI certification, continuing education and networking will be a great asset for that journey

What made you interested in business continuity?

I have found that the language and some processes used in the public sector have different meanings in business and industry. Interoperability and coordination can make communications, logistics and operations more transparent, effective and successful.

Do you have any life experience that makes this field especially compelling?

I have planned for and responded in the wake of many disaster events. Building clear processes and solid relationships do matter to save and protect life, property and the environment, especially when conditions become austere.