Grassroots Organization Works to Create Food Security in Canada

Food Banks of Canada is leading the fight against food insecurity throughout the country – a fight that has been made that much harder due to COVID-19. The DRI Foundation has provided funding to support its efforts.  

A national charitable organization, FBC supports a network of Provincial Associations, affiliate food banks, and food agencies that work at the community level to relieve hunger. Its work is focused on:

  • maximizing collective impact
  • strengthening local capacity, and
  • reducing the need for food banks.

In March 2019, Canadians visited food banks nearly 1.1 million times. During the coronavirus pandemic, 65% of Canadians believe hunger will become a serious problem. Recognizing the importance of a food secure population on the overall health of a country, organizations like FBC are working overtime, and a special COVID-19 Response Fund has been set up to secure additional assistance from its supporters.

The DRI Foundation is proud to support such nonprofit organizations in communities impacted by disasters to provide crucial assistance. 100 percent of the money collected for the Global Pandemic Fund will go to small, local organizations that are an integral part of their communities. Click here to donate.