DRI Foundation Supports the Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina COVID-19 Fund

As part of the Global Pandemic Fund donation program, the DRI Foundation has provided support to the Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina’s COVID-19 Relief & Recovery Fund.  

CCFSC has launched the fund to receive charitable donations and support communities disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic consequences of this outbreak.

“The immediate threat to our communities is the spread of this virus and the pressures it could place on our healthcare systems,” CCFSC told supporters. “In addition to that, we anticipate short and long-term effects on our workforce and local economies. By pooling our resources now to support those most affected, our region will be better equipped to respond quickly and sustain that response over the duration of this crisis.”

This fund will provide flexible resources to organizations in the region working with priority groups, including senior citizens, children, health-compromised, and workers in the hospitality and tourism industry in its nine-county service area of Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, Georgetown, Hampton and Horry counties.

The DRI Foundation is proud to support such nonprofit organizations in communities impacted by disasters to provide crucial assistance. 100 percent of the money collected for the Global Pandemic Fund will go to small, local organizations that are an integral part of their communities.  Click here to donate.