DRI Foundation Supports NYC Health + Hospitals’ COVID-19 Relief Efforts

With its Global Pandemic Fund providing support for organizations helping communities impacted by the coronavirus outbreak, the DRI Foundation has provided a  donation to NYC Health + Hospitals as part of its COVID-19 relief efforts.  

NYC Health + Hospitals is an integrated health care system of hospitals, neighborhood health centers, long-term care, nursing homes, and home care – the public safety net health care system of New York City. NYC Health + Hospitals is committed to the health and well-being of all New Yorkers and offers a wide range of high quality and affordable health care services to keep patients healthy and to address the needs of New York City’s diverse populations.

The organization’s Development Department provided a breakdown of how donor funding is being used in its relief efforts.

“Your non-restricted donation [helps] us provide these services and support to our doctors, nurses, and other health care workers on the front line:

  • Meals. There’s not time to take lunch and dinner breaks.
  • Prepackaged groceries to take home. There’s no time to food shop in between long shifts.
  • Hotel rooms. Our staff are taking care of COVID-19 patients and don’t want to go home and risk exposure to their families.
  • Laundry service. There’s not time to clean work clothes and scrubs.
  • Scrubs. We need more to ensure staff does not have to wear work clothes home from the hospital.”

The DRI Foundation is proud to support such nonprofit organizations in communities impacted by disasters to provide crucial assistance. 100 percent of the money collected for the Global Pandemic Fund will go to small, local organizations that are an integral part of their communities.  Click here to donate.