At previous DRI conferences, we have mobilized 98 volunteers, packed 1,200 bags of produce for homebound seniors, sorted 10,160 pounds of food (that’s over five tons) for families in need, helped re-furbish veterans housing, and forged friendships among Certified Professionals and their families which will surely last a lifetime. And this is just in the past two years!
I couldn’t be more excited about this year’s Volunteer Day. We will be returning to Las Vegas on February 16, 2019. This year, all our activities will be taking place at Veterans Village where we will be offering our volunteers a half day track or a full day track. In addition, when you register to participate, you will be asked to select your areas of interest for the day. We want to offer our volunteers a variety of activities to keep the day fun and exciting. You can select from:
- Clean Up/Light Labor – Tasks may include: food pantry, gardening and weeding, and light maintenance
- Paint Up – Painting indoors and outdoors at the veterans facility
- Fix Up/Heavy Labor – Tasks may include: heavy lifting, manual labor, basic repairs, and carpentry.
Registration is open online at: I can be reached any time for questions regarding Volunteerism at or 917-796-5571.
I made an appeal at last year’s Gala. A challenge, that if we can accomplish all that we are doing now with volunteerism with only 50 volunteers a year, imagine what we can do with more. So, let’s work together and see what we can do! Registration is open and people have already been signing up for Volunteer Day. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to give back and have a great time while doing it.
I look forward to this journey and to seeing many of you in Las Vegas in 2019!
Michele Ostler
DRI Foundation
Chair of Volunteerism