Happy Anniversary to the DRI Foundation!

This July is the 4th anniversary of the DRI Foundation! We’re proud of the foundation’s accomplishments and look forward to many more years of resilient communities worldwide. Take a look at some of the Foundation’s recent successes.

The DRI Foundation Annual Review offers an in-depth look at our major initiatives through 2014, such as our volunteer efforts, outreach events, and work around the world, including Haiti and the Philippines – click here to read the review.

Thanks to our generous donors, so far this year we have contributed toward initiatives such as water purification, community resilience projects, and education. We have also engaged more than 60 DRI certified disaster management professionals in giving back to their communities. Learn more about these initiatives here.

You can get involved in helping fundraise, through direct donations, shopping through AmazonSmile, corporate contributions, and more. Learn how you can be a part of the Foundation’s mission here.

The Foundation would like to recognize a few of our recent donors for their generosity and participation:

In-Kind Donations:

Corporate Match:

To see a complete list of donors, click here.

And finally, the Foundation recently awarded its first scholarship to Tyler Newsom, son of MBCP David Newsom, Executive Director of Technology and Data Services for MSCI! To read more about the scholarship and Tyler’s winning essay, click here.